Thursday, December 22, 2016

Week 12/14 to 12/21

This week we uploaded all our files to the spartan archive as requested. Some work has been done regarding the design for the cabin. Additional research needs to be done to finalize the design. Our BOM was approve for 6 bogies, however we have to do research to find cheaper material. For detail work referred to our individual blogs.

Presentation #3

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Week 11/30 - 12/07

In addition to preparing for our final reports and final presentations, each team member has being doing individual work for the project. Please refer to our individual blogs for more detail.

We have also spoken to Dr. Youseffi and he has offered to help us 3D print our part files for the scale bogie assembly. The printer that he is using will be able to print each part all at once and makes the supports automatically. In addition the supports will be dissolved in a bath.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

WEEK 11/23 - 11/30

This week the group worked on:
  • Presentation #3
  • BOM
  • Rough Draft of Final Report for the semester
  • 3D printing parts

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Week 11/9 to 11/16

We have emailed Dr. Youseffi to see if we can use his 3d printer. We are awaiting his response

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Week 11/2-11/9

3D printing is in progress all throughout this week. It will just be refining the settings to get it printed as best as possible. Refer to individual blogs for more detail

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Week 10/26-11/2

No significant progress has been made as a team this week. Please refer to the individual blogs of the team members for specific progress in the project.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Week 10/19 - 10/26

The team is nearing on finalizing the designs for 3d printing. Analysis is being done to see whether or not 3D printed parts can be a realistic alternative aluminum parts. 3D printing is faster compared to milling the parts, and in addition they can be done within the shop. Analysis shows that the 3d parts are as accurate as the milled aluminum parts. The only issue is the resolution of the holes on the parts. Tapping holes into 3D printed parts still need to be tested but if we overcome this aspect, it may be a good idea to move the final design for 3D printing. The team also prepared our presentations to show our progress in the project.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

WEEK 10/5 - 10/12

Last week during class we weren't able to have a lot of things done because of presentations. However, we were still able to talk to the Vehicle Position Sensing Team on exactly what they wanted to place on the bogie and what they wanted us to change. They will be testing the new hall sensor that they want to use and depending on the results we would have to adjust the placement of the other sensors. They also suggested that we cut a small part of the current hall sensor mounted on the bogie so that the new sensors don't interfere with the new ones. We also started doing some research on the sensors to better understand the placement of the sensors.

Edit (Ernest): In addition we want to have a meeting with the Track Improvement Team, Positioning Team, and Controls Team because it seems that the two sensor that positioning and controls team are using may interfere with each other due to placement. This is very crucial to the whole design of the bogie as well as the track and we need to accurately get this thing in order.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

WEEK 9/29 - 10/5

Since we didn't present on the first week of presentation, we spent our time this week on improving last week's slides. We also making some 3D printing and Solidworks drawings.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

WEEK 9/21 - 9/28 Progress

First wave of Presentation 1 This week we focus on preparing our presentation.

Preparing for the Design Review

The team's main focus, like many of the other teams, this week is to prepare for the Design Review/Presentation. Most of the time this week was spent preparing the presentation as well as prepping the project for presentation.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Possible Designs for Improvement

Figure1: Current Bogie Design
The principal issue of the current design of the bogie is the switching mechanism. The current bogie utilizes piano wire to connect the servo to the switch side mechanisms. Though piano wire can be effective at times, it's lifespan is very short. A more robust version of the switching mechanism is needed in order to make the current design effective. The new design should be have a sturdy connection between the servo and the switch mechanism. It should also easily accessible for maintenance.

The improved connection that is being proposed is to design and 3D print a custom servo horn that would ball joint ends. The connection would then be a link that contains a ball socket on one end. The socket will have to be designed in a way that allows the connection to move in all the positions it needs to be able to.

Another proposed solution would be to keep the basic servo horn and design and 3D print the connector alone. This will be replacing the piano wire. The connection link will be designed in a way that it can be easily attached and taken off of servo and switch

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Progress for Week 9/7 - 9-14

For this week we continued our research on the bogie structure from the past year reports. We started to think about the different kinds of materials we will use for the different prototypes. We also made a  team roster and shared the information with all the teams for the 1/12 scale to communicate with each other to start working together. The next step is figuring out when we could have a general meeting. It was also discussed with the other team members that is essential that each sub team have a group leader to make the communication easier with the teams. We also extended our Gantt chart to date of the Paseo Public Prototyping Festival.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Team Assignment #1

Moralma Rodriguez
(415) 933 -7016

I am a 4th year ME student trying to graduate with a concentration in Mechatronics. My skills include Matlab, AutoCad, Solidworks.

Mondays - before noon
Tuesdays - before 2pm
Wednesdays - before 12 and after 6pm
Thursday - before 2 and after 3

  • Learn everything about last year's project of the mechanical bogie
  • Make sure the assignment blogs are completely done
  • Take responsibility of anything mechatronics related
  • Research on efficient design
  • Learn everything about last year's project of the mechanical bogie
Ernest Theo Cabreza
(510) 512 - 4529

Mondays - noon
Tuesdays - afternoons
Thrusdays - mornings and afternoons
Friday - Mornings

  • Learn everything about last year's project of the mechanical bogie
  • Finances (making sure we use our money efficiently) 
  • Anything related with Solidworks
  • Research on efficient design 
  • Editor of all the post made on the blogspot
  • Research on efficient design
  • Research on appropriate materials to use
Proposal Narrative
This team's goal is to make as much improvement on last year's design while also saving more money than last years design. 

The 1/12th scale model will have a more futuristic design that will not exceed the cost of $300, from the previous design. 

  • Solidworks animation 
  • Mutiple Prototypes
  • Ansys Analysis of prototype
Some designs we will STUDY to develop the new prototype 

    Gantt Chart

$300-$900 to manufacture multiple prototypes effectively.