This week besides working on touching up our presentation Ernest continued to 3D print some of the parts at the tech shop, Moralma continued to make final changes to the cabin before the presentation and we need to 3D print it this weekend, and we sent more parts to be printed with Professor Youssefi. He has replied to us more regularly and he emailed us today letting us know that he might have all the parts we sent him to print, ready by next week. We will start printing the cabin this weekend to have some at least printed by next Wednesday to show the controls team.
For future Presentations:
Our presentation went well and Ron suggested that for the next presentation, we all move our logos to the bottom of the page. Along with each slide we should put the name of the person presenting at the corner. Eric also suggested that we have the first slide explaining the general information of Spartan Superway and on the second page explain how our 1/12 scale team is significant for the project. This is something our team has to improve and follow Eric's directions.